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Beauty, The Fight To Get It

Written by Admin on 8:05 PM

It is not only women that strive for beauty. Men too want to look good, maybe to turn the head of a lady or to impress the boss at work. No matter whom you are, many people strive for this characteristic. Each person, though, strives for it in a different way and for very different reasons then the next. Beauty is always a subjective manner. In saying that, there are many ways in which the beauty of a person is truly revealed.

One of the largest markets in the world is the fashion and beauty industry. Millions of dollars are spent each year on different products and different clothing to create the most beautiful person. This can be anything from make up to shoes. How many of the commercials do you see on television that has something to do with beauty products? In fact, this industry has even gone so far as to put commercials for their products within the television shows we watch every day. Have you ever noticed a brand name product displayed on a bathroom sink? How about an actress talking about her favorite designer by name? Yes, you got it. These are mini commercials to advertise beauty products.

Is there anything wrong with wanting beauty? No of course not. In fact, more and more women are coming back to a natural beauty, one that is not full of tons of make up and glamour, but shows off their natural features. This type of beauty, natural, is one of the most beautiful types of all. By all means, if you have the money and have the desire for beautiful products, why shouldn't you invest in it? These aspects are very important to men and women alike and should show the true meaning of the market.

Take what you will and run with it! Beauty is all in the personality of the individual. It can be expressed in many ways including through make up, clothes, and accessories. It can also be expressed in the lack of these features as well. Beauty is a wonderful quality that should be treasured. Of course, we all know and should believe that true beauty lies within, but who's really counting anyway? Let's get beauty!

Emily Jackson Beauty

How to be an Eco Beauty

Written by Admin on 8:04 PM

How much time and money do you spend on your beauty routine?

Over the years you will have spent a small fortune on all the creams, lotions and maybe even some beauty treatments.

But what is it costing the earth?

It's never too late to redeem yourself. You can become an eco-beauty with very little effort.

Follow the 10 tips below to make sure you still look superb but don't harm the earth at the same time.

1. Go natural. No we don't mean no make up at all. You will naturally look better by getting a good nights sleep and you wont need as much make up as a consequence.

2. Recycle. Bottles, jars and tubes can all be recycled. No change to your beauty routine but the benefits to mother earth are there for all to see. A really simple one.

3. Spring Clean. Think of all the half used bottles and jars of cream you have. Instead of buying new creams ask yourself where you could reuse these creams. Face cream for example could easily be used on the ankles and feet. If you don't intend using it, then give it away.

4. Be Minimal. Just use what you need. This saves on product and usually makes you look even better. Give it a try.

5. Drink lots of water. The right amount of water is different for everyone but one thing is for sure…. We don't normally drink enough. Not only does it cleanse our insides but also the boost to our complexion is quite magnificent. Drink more, drink more, drink more… let that be your motto.

6. Half measures. Less is more. When your hairdresser tells you that you only need a small spoonful of shampoo they are telling the truth. Just use what you need. It will be less expensive for you as well.

7. Food for thought. Don't throw out cucumbers just because they are too limp for the salad. Use them to soothe tired eyes. Look for beauty tips using natural products. You will be amazed at what you find.

8. Swap shop. Seek out those brands that are actively trying to make a difference and change to them. Look for proof that they really mean what they say.

9. Save time? Save the earth instead. Ready-made facial wipes are great for tired beauty fans - one wipe does the trick. But the cost to the environment is substantial. Why not just buy a face cloth instead? Does the same thing and only takes a few minutes more.

10. Chemical brothers. Check the labels. If your favourite beauty products use parabens and sodium laureth sulphate then ditch them.

Both of these ‘nasties' have been identified as carcinogens with harmful effect on the planet. They can be bad for you as well causing skin irritation.

The above 10 tips are by no means complete, But if you use beauty products then you might as well keep the earth looking beautiful as well.

Angie Brannigan is a fully qualified beauty therapist and has trained in alternative therapies over the past 10 years. She is an active full time therapist and author. She writes for the popular website

Visit her site to discover all types of beauty skills, and beauty tips to help you in your beauty regime.

The Power of Beauty

Written by Admin on 8:04 PM

Have you ever wondered why women are so concerned about how they look? Why they aim to look like the beautiful women they see on the television and in magazines? That's because beauty is power!

Even way back into ancient times women were concerned about their looks. Think of Cleopatra or Nefertiti who were beautiful women of their times.

The cosmetic industy is well aware of this and that women will go to great lengths to look beautiful. That's why the cosmetic industry is a multi billion dollar industry.

When you think of beauty you think of what you see on the outside. But beauty is more than skin deep. And beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder! What one may find beautiful another may not. Even though there is no such thing as a definition for universal beauty all women know how to use their beauty to their advantage.

Men fall for this manipulation constantly. In fact they seldom know they've been snared into the web with a woman's beauty. Of course the know when exterior beauty is mesmerizing them but it's the internal beauty that they have not idea is working. That pouty mouth, those sparkling eyes, that gentle laugh. The power play of the boardroom and the bedroom share many similarities.

It's a proven fact men are unable to release themselves from the beauty of women. A quick look, a wink, a big inviting smile, a relaxed posture are all indications that a man has succumbed to beauty. Studies have shown even the smartest men go stupid when entranced by the beauty of a woman.

Remember Sophia Loren, Jane Collins, or Jaqueline Bisset. Think about Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Madona, Marilyn Monroe. There beauty had an instant effect on the male population. Not only their exterior beauty but the deeper inner beauty of confidence and mystique that surrounded them.

These women were all show stoppers without even trying. In fact when asked they felt their features were flawed, but men didn't see it that way. And yet each of these women were totally different in looks and personality. But each brought a certain group of men to their feet. Each had the ability to take the smartest man and turn him into a walking talking zombie stuttering, and staring.

Remember a beautiful woman is more than the exterior shell. Beauty is the whole woman. Personality, charm charisma, seductive sexuality, a smile, or a stance. There are many elements to a womens beauty than capture a mans attention and lock him into a world of bliss.

There is no cure for the poor male population, no pill to pop, no treatment to make them free of the power of a beautiful women. There are no magic bullets to stop the bite of beauty from turning the male population into a drooling idiot or a walking talking zombie. And until there is women will continue to use their beauty as a weapon on the opposite sex. Sorry guys!

Sher from Estate Jewelry International have been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

7 Beauty Tips

Written by Admin on 8:04 PM

For most women, part of the Literary morn and dusk routines involve a skincare regimen of applying creams, moisturizers, tonics, lotions, and the like. Why do women put themselves prep this? They do it especially to conflict the signs of aging, and to maintain youthful advent and beautiful film! It is a safe bet, nevertheless, that most women haven't put greatly thought below what is in the distribute that they are using.

Some women probably do not fulfil that what they are putting on their derma may actually be vitiation what they are irksome to prevent to begin by. In actuality the mean woman puts twelve commodities on her incrustation daily, most of which contain unhealthy chemical preservatives.

But true health and true beauty own an outer component, which is why we call protection from environmental insults such as solar diffusion, pollutants in our milieu and the drying effects of air. . . The reality is you simply cannot contain a healthy carcass if your pelt isn't healthy. And your skin can't be healthy if your are subjecting it to baleful substances that are at last engrossed prep your Slang stiff."

So, what can women do? How can they combat environmental pollutants, the affect of solar radiation, and the drying effects of air? How can they be sure they are using the exceedingly superb deal in on their skin so they can be healthy inside and out? Here are 7 tips to second in this process:

1. Be exceedingly aware of what is in skincare staples. Use market that are all customary as much as thinkable.

2. Usually for retail that contain Dermal Surface Restoration Technology. DSR smoothes gone missing factual signs of aging such as snicker lines, crows feet, and tedium.

3. Use market that have regenisomes. Regenisomes drill the skin to velocity cubicle renewal after sun revelation. They holdings use the light of photosomes to undo sun damage, and have ultrasomes to renew skin prep sleeping.

4. Reveal products with Proteo-C and Proflavonol-T. These two vitamins defend the skin from immature aging caused by the sun, pollution, and substitute environmental factors. They effects contribute advanced nutrition to the skin to keep it appearing smooth and firm.

5. If possible, use products that are paraben unconfined. Parabens are man-made chemical preservatives that are widely worn in live dolour products such as shampoos, conditioners, mane styling products, make-up, puss masks, skin lotions and creams, and deodorants. They valuables are typically fundamentals in baby lotions, shampoos, and variant personal care products for infants and offspring.

In addition, parabens are in uncountable foods and pharmaceutical products. Researchers are dawn to find parabens in benign and malignant human bosom tumors. While manifold studies have challenged their malignity in many products and question their long appellation affect on humans, using products that are paraben free can reject the risk of exposure to this destructive chemical.

6. Lap plenty of sea water! Sea water hydrates skin and hair as agreeably as flushes toxins out of the body.

7. Limit emphasis or understand to manage it effectively. Stress is harmful both emotionally and hysically. Find that stress reliever activity that mill best and use it on a daily basis!

Follow the on high 7 tips to true beauty and health.

Andrew runs a beauty blog: Beauty products - learn beauty products tips, beauty products secrets from our beauty products blog.

More Beauty Tips ==>

The Beauty of Aging

Written by Admin on 8:03 PM

The Japanese have a word for it. Shibui. The beauty of aging.

In Western culture, aging is seen as physical dementia, a loss of beauty and relevance. We're compared to people half our age and, because the contrast is glaring, we're seen as damaged. There's an interaction during conversation that occurs when contemporaries speak; it includes a give-and-take that confirms we're being heard. As we age, that interaction shifts and we sense we're being tolerated. We see our wrinkles and other body changes as unacceptable and spend thousands trying to eliminate the evidence of aging. There's another, more serious side-effect to aging in Western culture: chronic depression. Being unable to shake the feeling that we're no longer wanted or needed, that our lives have no value to the next generation, that we're interlopers in our families' lives, and that the longing we have to be included, loved, and valued will never be satisfied.

The beauty of aging. It's only because of our culture that those words seem to remain a nice thought without truth. In old European cultures, families maintain independence while nurturing inter-dependence among generations. The aging parents live on the ground floor, the adult children live above with their own new family. Both adult children work and the grandparents raise the grandchildren. All three generations share meals and daily activities with a fluid, natural interaction that gives everyone a deeper understanding of what each can contribute. Compare this to how we deal with aging in the West. Here, younger people are often resentful when they have to deal with their aging parents. They hope their parents are financially independent so they won't have to provide care. And, when care is necessary, they consider it a burden and place the parent in facilities that diminish any possibility that their parent's life will continue to have relevance. Much of the stress felt by families can be directly connected to these decisions; how much simpler life would be if we could adopt the European model and cherish the life experiences of our aging families.

Perhaps because the cultures are so ancient, it's in the Asian countries that one finds the highest respect for age. There, people are seen as having continuity; the teachings given while young have to be nurtured and practiced throughout life. It's only when a person attains an advanced age that he's actually wise and capable of advising with any degree of certainty. Younger people bow to the elder. The hardships and lessons learned in a difficult life are seen as valuable; they provide the basis for words of wisdom that may keep the younger person from needing to suffer. The Chinese call this shih: an elegant, insightful kind of knowledge.

My lover and I are both over fifty. We've discussed the cultural changes that have created a wide division in life perceptions among generations. It's unusual to find people in our phase of life who carry an I-Pod or Blackberry; we prefer to have conversations one-at-a-time instead of engaging in three conversations at once by using all the various means of communication available today. We're painfully aware of the way in which we're accepted now compared to how it was ten or fifteen years ago; we're rarely considered for opportunities that used to be handed to us. Since we're both vital, intelligent, and energetic, we want to contribute significantly to our world and find that we have to generate our own possibilities now rather than seeking out those already exist. What we sense and what we're experiencing are extremely common; because opening a discussion about aging isn't sexy or part of pop-culture, it remains in the shadows. I believe that the deep problems of our society can be minimized significantly by encouraging a shift in the perception of age. We need to begin seeing older people as part of the natural continuity, as having wisdom that will be lost if not captured, as being great receptacles of history with observations that can serve the future. Aging doesn't have to be discouraging or depressing; it can be a lovely phase of life that provides a calmness and emotional security not possible when we're younger.

The Japanese have another phrase that gives insight to what aging can provide: ygen: an awareness of the universe that triggers feelings too deep and mysterious for words. It is this that I aspire to feel as I continue the life process.

Nina Brock resides in the Pacific Northwest and writes articles, editorials, business papers, and fiction on a variety of topics. She extends an invitation to visit her site at:

The Milky Way to Beauty

Written by Admin on 8:03 PM

For years, goats milk has been a staple in most culture. Nutrinionally it is superior to cows milk because it contains more nutrients, vitamins, proteins and minerals. Its fat globules are smaller than those of cow's milk, makng its absorption in the skin and digestive system faster and easier.

Scientists are learning that these remedies have a solid basis in scientific fact. Cosmetic chemists call goat's milk "nature's liposomes" because it is so easily absorbed into the skin, bringing with it moisture and restorative proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Goat's milk also contains over 50 nutrients, including the vital vitamins of A, C and B-complex, minerals and other elements that nourish and rejuvenate dehydrated skin. Vitamin A slows down the effects of aging, as well as prevents age spots and thickening of the skin. Zinc contributes to the reconstruction of collagen fibres, encouraging moisture retention and maintaining the skin's elasticity/ Riboflavin or Vitamin B-2 is another anti-oxidant and is essential for healthy skin, nails, hair and general good health.

Alpha-Hydroxy acid(AHA) naturally exfoliate skin. Goat's milk has AHA components that contribute to the micro-peeling process, gentry scrubbing off dead skin cells. Goat's milk helps nourish the newly-grown skin and may encourage the production of elastin. New skin emerges smooth, healthy and younger looking.

Now you can enjoy all these benefits in a goat's milk, bath daily with goats milk cream bar because it will help rejuvenate your skin naturally.

Jerome is an author of different websites. He conducts research in technology, auctions, health and more and put it into an interesting article. He is an avid reader and during his spare time, he watches tv and enjoys the normal life.

For your health concerns, visit

The Truth About Beauty

Written by Admin on 8:03 PM

Why this fascination with beauty?

The demand for beauty services in spite of the economy?

Even when there is a recession, beauty parlours still flourish. Beauty products still fly off the shelves.

There is this saying that beauty is skin deep.

Then again, first impressions count.

Put it this way. Beauty is power. That was true centuries ago. That is true today.

When a beautiful woman walks into a bar, men flock to her and offer to buy her drinks. When an unattractive woman walks into the same bar, chances are, she would have to buy her own drinks.

A beautiful salesperson, man or woman is more likely to win the sale. Between a beautiful job seeker and an unattractive one, all other things being equal, the employer is likely to choose the good looker.

Like it or not, looks do count.

In the past, when women were dependent on men to support them, beauty was everything to a woman. A beautiful woman would have more suitors. She would be able to marry up. To marry a rich man who could take care of all her financial needs and that of her children. Long before commercial cosmetics existed, mothers would instruct their daughters on traditional beauty remedies. Simple beauty remedies like using mayonnaise as a moisturizer, or egg white as a firming mask were often used by women in the days before commercial cosmetics.

Then along came women entrepreneurs like Estee Lauder and other women from around the world. They converted traditional beauty recipes which worked for themselves into beauty creams that they sold to other women. Every woman has a right to look her most beautiful and these women were selling others their beauty secrets.

Make up was used to paint women's faces. In Egypt, the nobles, royalty and the well off would paint their eyes with khol, with crushed beetles and exotic ingredients. In Europe, women would paint their faces with make up containing toxic mercury for the sake of beauty. In Japan, the geishas would whiten their faces with creams that contain nightingale droppings.

You would think by now, we modern women would have learnt our lesson. Now, we just inject poison into our faces to paralyze our facial muscles in order to prevent expression lines from deepening as we grow older. Think of those botox injections done every 3 months to erase those wrinkles. Think of the acids we smear on our faces to smoothen them. The dermabrasion procedures done at the dermatologist in order to smoothen our skin.

Women all over the world have always been willing to suffer for the sake of beauty. Long ago, in China, women in wealthy families would bind their feet. The Chinese back then view tiny feet as beautiful, so little girls have their feet bound, to prevent them from growing big and ugly. Now that long legs are considered beautiful, some women go through a very painful medical procedure that breaks their legs, and stretches their legs by a few millimeters a day through a painful device until they attain the height they want. With their newfound height, these girls can look forward to a wealthy, glamorous future as an international model.

In Europe, centuries ago, wasp waists and curvy bodies were considered beautiful, so corsets were worn to make the waist look much smaller. These were tied so tightly that women faint easily. All for the sake of beauty. Now, corsets are in again. These days, women and men subject themselves to surgery to attain the beauty they desire. Liposuction to remove the excess fat to contour the body. Breast augmentation for bigger breasts that are considered beautiful. Nose jobs, face lifts, the works.

Thankfully, there is also a return to natural beauty remedies. This time, commercial cosmetics use natural ingredients that women have used for centuries in the home beauty preparations. These are effective and great for the skin.

What we women really should do is to focus on inner beauty, and to keep ourselves healthy. Health is beauty.

8 to 10 hours of sleep every night, fresh food, fresh air, daily exercise, drinking plenty of water every day, soap and water, or cleanser and toner, moisturizer where necessary and sun protection all day long. All that keeps your body healthy and your skin and hair, beautiful. Oh, and learn to age gracefully. After all, aging is a natural process in life.

The writer is the webmaster of Cosmetics Online, where you can find cosmetics, skincare, makeup and all the beauty products from your favourite beauty brand.

Reveal Your Beauty

Written by Admin on 8:02 PM

It is a blessing for a child to hear that she is beautiful.

My family is small, just my parents, sister and me. My sister and I are three years apart. Ever since she was born, she received many praises from family members and strangers, on how cute and pretty she was. My mother too - my relatives always complimented how good my mother looked. There are two experiences I remember vividly. My mom, sister and I were at a department store. A pretty lady from one of the make up counters rushed out and said to my mother: your baby daughter is so pretty! Then she looked at me and said nothing. Another incident happened while we were having a dinner with family and relatives. One of my aunts said to me: Noelle, I hate to tell you this, but your mother is more beautiful than you.

These incidents had hurt the heart of a little child of no more than 6 years old.

It wasn't that I didn't have anything good within me. I had the brains - evident by my report cards from school. Yet brains rarely impress on first sight like beauty does. It is easy to be drawn to outer beauty. But what about the beauty we have within?

Comparisons of our looks continued throughout our adolescent and teenage years. Each one of them was painful. My mother, also drawn to outer beauty, has confirmed with others who said I was inferior in looks than my sister.

These experiences have prompted me to see beauty in all people. There must be something good in each of us. This is one of the reasons why I am now a personal image consultant, because there are elements in colour, clothing and communication skills that are harmonious to every individual. What is beauty anyway? To me, beauty is harmony. Nature is all about harmony. We can always draw inspirations from it. Take a look at the sky during daytime and night time; each flower; each blade of grass. Each is different, yet each is beautiful.

Yet, it is undeniable that people judge others in the first thirty seconds of meeting. We cannot go against this ingrained human nature and think people should not judge others by how they look, because in reality, they do. How can we make the best of what we have to bring out our outer beauty?

The key word is harmony. If your body is mainly straight and narrow, wear straight lines and stiff clothing. If you body has curves, wear curvy lines and soft, drapey clothes. If you are big, wear clothing with thick lines; if you are delicate, stay with thin lines. If your eyes, hair and skin tones are warm, wear warm colours. If cool, then wear colours that are blue based, rather than yellow based. Do not feel pressured by wearing what's current. There are elements we can incorporate into our clothes and make up to keep our images current, but we do not have to be a slave to fashion and make up. Just pick out elements that are harmonious to you, and ignore the rest.

Most important, see beauty everywhere, each person you meet. From this you will appreciate your own beauty even more. If you are a mother with a daughter, see her inner and outer beauty, and tell her how beautiful and wonderful she is. It is a great blessing to a child. This is part of her foundation in self esteem.

What will you do today to see your own beauty?

Noelle Wong sees and unveils beauty in people. She is the owner of iN-IMAGE! Inc., a personal image consulting company in Toronto that offers one-on-one consultations and workshops to help people increase their personal presence. For inquiries please contact her at Her website is

Real Beauty Comes From Within

Written by Admin on 8:02 PM

Since real beauty comes from within, it's important that your beauty products bring out your best natural qualities. Natural beauty product reviews can help you choose which products are best suited to your own individual needs.

One popular type of natural beauty product is stretch mark removal cream. Since stretch marks are pretty common--their causes range from pregnancy to body building--a lot of people can be helped by a natural, effective treatment for them. While reading natural beauty product reviews, I noticed that the best stretch mark remedies contain high amounts of Emu Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, Collagen, Elastin and Vitamin E. When these key ingredients are combined in a highly concentrated cream, they can not only help reduce stretch marks you already have, but actually help prevent new ones from forming!

One of the most helpful things about natural beauty product reviews is that they tell you about the ingredients in the best beauty products out there. Whenever you're looking for skin treatments--whether it's cellulite cream, spider vein therapy, sunless tanning or stretch mark removal--you want to make sure that the ingredients are safe and actually make your skin look better, not worse. What's the point of diminishing stretch marks if the skin around them becomes red and irritated? Natural beauty products tend to be safer, because they don't include a lot of harsh chemicals in their ingredients.

If you're fair skinned like I am, you know how hard it can be to enjoy the great outdoors. There's nothing unusual about stretch marks or cellulite or spider veins. They are the natural effects of having bodies that grow and change. Using natural, high quality products to safely improve your skin's appearance can help you feel less self-conscious at the beach or in the bedroom.

Then your natural, individual beauty can shine through!

David Stanton Dermaglow provide natural and organic skin care products to help stretch marks, cellulite and spider viens.

A Beauty Salon Will Help You Look Your Best!

Written by Admin on 8:02 PM

A beauty salon will help you look your very best with a price that will fit in almost any budget. A beauty salon will be able to make your hair, skin, toes, and fingernails look marvelous. In addition, most beauty salons offer their services for a fairly reasonable price. However, sometimes it may be difficult to choose what service you want. If that is the case, simply be on the lookout for any fashion style that you like. Look through magazines and cut out photos of styles and colors that you find pleasing. Take notes so that when you do go to a beauty salon, you will know exactly what you want. However, be aware that some beauty salons are better than others. To make sure that you are in high-quality beauty salon, check to see if it has clean beauty salon equipment and a clean work area. Also, be aware that in most states, beauty salons are required to publicly display their establishment license. If the salon or barbershop won't show you an establishment license, you don't know whether the shop's health and safety procedures have been approved by the state.

Time saving Beauty Salon Tips.

A beauty salon visit can be time consuming. To get the most from your visit and still have time left in your day, try these time-trimming tips. Before you leave your beauty salon, schedule your next appointment. Call ahead on your appointment day to see if your stylist is running on time. If not, you won't have to waste time sitting at the beauty salon when you could be home. If you want to be quickly in and out for your beauty salon appointment, try to schedule the first appointment for the day.

About The Author

Mike Yeager


All About the Beauty Pageant

Written by Admin on 8:01 PM

Beauty pageants are a program that is fun for adults, teens, and children alike. There are baby beauty pageants, teen beauty pageants and adult beauty pageants. Sometimes there are many prizes, and other times there are no prizes, but just the satisfaction of knowing what you have accomplished.

If you have a baby

Baby beauty pageants are an exciting movement, one that has been around for many generations. Babies that are cute, funny or just comical are on display for votes and for the review of judges. From there, the top ten are generally picked, and a number one is appointment. Often times the types of promotions that are used in baby pageants, include baby food or baby clothing businesses. In order to boost their business and make their target audience aware of what they are selling, baby pageants are held to determine which baby fits what category and then prizes are awarded.

Teen beauty pageant

A teen beauty pageant is one that is generally held every year, for the male and the females. The boys and girls are those who are hip, cool, natural looking, that have great grades, and that could have: great skin, a valuable hobby, care for the environment or they are involved in agricultural events. Just about every county has a four H club, and from there, a Dairy princess is chose. These are beauty pageants. In every state, there is a Miss awarded under 18 and there is a Miss awarded for those who are over eighteen. Scholarships, money, cars, prizes and such are often times given away for those involved in teen beauty pageants.

Adult beauty pageants are not limited to those such as the Miss America, or the Miss World, there are also Mrs. USA, and Mrs. pageants for about every state. There are also teacher beauty pageants, business hold pageants for locals only, and there are others that are based on those who are nominated by another.

Additionally there are more types of beauty pageants held every year, and you may just want to enter one. There are the muscle builder's pageants, there are bikini contests, and there are contests that are based on local communities offering prizes for beauty pageants for those who are in all types of age ranges. There are even pageants for those who are cute, beautiful, funny, comical, daring, outrageous and so on, for promotions of just about every product out there. If you want to win, you have to enter.

A beauty pageant can be based on beautiful legs, fingers, the face, the butt, and the muscles, just about anything! If you want to get involved in a beauty pageant you are sure to find one that will give you the best time of your life while entering to win!

Copyright 2006 - Agust Hauksson. Agust is a regular contributor of articles to many online publications. Find more great information at:

Beauty Salons

Written by Admin on 8:01 PM

To pamper and take care of ourselves, beauty salons exist. Skin care is not just the hype of today's world. Prevailing even during the ancient days, it has always been a way of life. Grooming our bodies has at all times remained a pleasure, both with the royalties and common masses.

Setting up a professionally competent, efficient, and reputable beauty salon can be a daunting task. Any beauty salon rests on proper management, service, equipment, and products. And thankfully, to help us, multitudes of companies supply all the necessary things to enable us to set up a good beauty salon.

Equipment and supplies are a must for any beauty salon to work successfully. Without them, no beauty salon can exist. Equipment needed for a beauty salon include salon chairs and stools, salon stations, shampoo bowls, styling chairs, hair steamers, reception furniture, facial beds, and many more things.

Some brands which make good beauty salon equipment include TISPRO, Jeffco, Hotspa, and GiGi besides others. Equipment is generally costly, but they can be bought at a cheaper rate from some wholesale companies. Some starter packages are also good-value-for-money. Such packages include styling chairs, styling stations, shampoo units, and hair steamers. Besides this, there are other packages too, offering much more items at reasonable prices.

Beauty salon supplies usually include all the necessary topical creams, gels, and other products used for styling and taking care of our hair, skin, nails, feet, hand, and hair removal. A huge number of products of different brands are all available in the market which can be bought at wholesale and even discounted packages.

To modernize beauty salons and organize its work, we need beauty salon software. ‘Inventory systems'; ‘service support'; ‘client history'; ‘multiple users'; ‘bar code support'; ‘point of sale'; ‘appointment booking'; ‘sales tax report'; and many other features are provided by beauty salon software. Such software supports nearly all higher versions of windows and is quick and easy to learn.

With support for learning and free demo CDs available, software companies have helped us greatly in managing the work of salons.

Beauty Salons provides detailed information on Beauty Salons, Beauty Salon Software, Beauty Salon Equipment, Beauty Salon Supplies and more. Beauty Salons is affiliated with Natural Beauty Products.

Beauty Secrets

Written by Admin on 8:01 PM

How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror and wished you could change a minor problem? To look even more beautiful. Here are five helpful & easy ways to achieve beauty secrets.

Skin lightener

Lighten elbow and knee areas by scrubbing lemon juice and sugar. The lemon has a bleaching effect and the sugar will exfoliate the dead cells.

Shiny Hair

hair mix fresh orange juice, water, 1 tablespoon Honey and any type of vegetable oil.

For plumper lips,

Apply lipstick and lip-gloss.

Add a dot of eye shadow in the center of your lips and blend carefully. You might also want to check out City Lips Collagen Lip Plumping Treatment.

Dark circles

Tired looking people do not look attractive cover under eye circles with make up. Choose a color that matches your skin shade, avoid getting lighter shades. We recommend TheBalm TimeBalm - Under Eye Concealer

Fake Tan

Get a tan without exposing your skin to harmful sun rays.

DuWop Revolotion Tinted Body Moisturizer With SPF 15 and Shimmer

About The Author

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit us to find a variety of women related issues and topics".

The Cost of Beauty

Written by Admin on 8:00 PM

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others. Audrey Hepburn

When you wear your hair short—as I do—you're well aware of the exact day you need to get it cut. It's the day when you wake up and it lays flat on top of your head. When your usual tricks don't work. When extra root lifter or mousse or control gel have all lost their power.

Friday was my day. But I couldn't get to my salon at the mall, so I knew that Saturday would be haircut day whether I liked it or not. My twelve-year-old daughter had slept over at a friend's house the night before; I got the brilliant idea to take her and a fellow sleepover buddy with me. She needed to be picked up anyway, so I had to be out and about early. And it was one Saturday when we had little schedule conflicts: just a couple of sporting events easily handled by my hubby. "You do the girls; I'll do the boys," he ordered. Got it.

Being mall professionals, these two girls, I knew I had to take official control of the day, lest they seize it and become the boss of me. So on the drive over, I clearly laid out the plan: we would first check on the availability of my hair lady, and then we'd map out the mall. Lunch. Ice cream. Whatever. I go to one of those "no appointment necessary" haircut places. You know: the kind where you just walk in and get the next available hairdresser. My friends think I'm nuts. But at $14 a haircut, you can't beat it with a stick. I always ask for the same cutter…and I always get her. She knows my hair as well as any of my fussier friends' hairdressers know their clients'. I also color my hair with stuff from the drugstore; it costs about $6 a month. Contrast that with the $50-80 haircuts around here—not to mention the upwards of $200 ones in NYC—plus those $100 coloring-highlighting-streaking jobs…and, excuse me, but who are the nutty ones?

Cedia, my Brazilian cutter, couldn't see me for forty-five minutes, so it was off to the food court for lunch. It was uneventful; I ordered my usual blackened chicken strips with sautéed green beans; the girls ordered pizza and donuts. I started doing the carb count on that one and got too whigged-out to add it all up. Then it was on to our master-mall-game-plan, with a divide-and-conquer scheme befitting an organizational guru and two faithful apprentices. The girls would quickly scatter to their favorite shops while I got a haircut, and we'd meet at the Lancome counter at Macy's one hour later.

My haircut went as usual: Cedia did her thing, we small-talked, and fifteen minutes later I was outathere. I got the hankering to splurge on some new lotions and potions, so I headed for the shop famous in malls across America for such things. It was "beauty day" after all, what with me just having had a haircut and feeling perky and well-groomed. A new organic line had been introduced, and everything looked and smelled wonderful. New salts for the face, new anti-age wrinkle oils, and new firming-up-the-butt creams all containing olive oil, ginger, rosemary, mint, fig, or vanilla. Who could resist? But the maze was complicated. Did I want to go with the all-fig thing…or was I more mesmerized with the ad claiming that ginger had been used for its medicinal and beauty agents for centuries? Or should I let the fresh scent of rosemary and mint filtrate my master bath? And would those salts clog my shower drain, as they did in our Miami home, costing me $150 in plumbing bills to snake them out?

Just when I gathered up a handful into a basket, I looked at my watch and realized that I needed to meet the girls. Dumping them out, it was down to the other end of the mall, where I quickly found the Lancome lady at Macy's who was very eager to sell me a "ready glow" line for summer. "C'mon, it's only $50," the girls pleaded as they met me there with a quick "Sorry we're a little late; we got stuck at Abercrombie." I passed, with a "Let's ride the elevator upstairs and see what's on sale." They happily agreed and wandered around looking at bikinis while I scoured the clearance rack at the Ralph Lauren corner.

We left the mall with nothing but my haircut and three full tummies. Call it "I wasn't in the mood to buy." Or call it mid-life sensibility. As we walked upstairs towards the parking lot, both girls giggling mightily as they clunked their sandals down onto the steps in perfect unison, I did some mental gymnastics on our short-lived shopping experience: lotions and potions almost purchased but put back on the shelves due to time constraints saved me at least $80; bikinis almost purchased by the girls that never materialized because their MasterCard holder was at the other end of the store saved me another $72; and a fabulous spring top that I "had to have" never made it out of the store because they didn't have it in my size, saving me another $40. And, oh yeah…I passed on that $50 "instant tan." Did I mention all that money saved on my cheap haircut?

Call it "I have four kids to put through college." Or "We have summer vacation to think about." Or "I need to buy some shrubs for the yard." And "Ben's room still doesn't have blinds on the windows."

Or call it much, much more. Call it visiting indigenous tribes 200 miles from the outskirts of civilization in Panama in need of textbooks and language instructors—not to mention shoes, clothing, or clean drinking water. Call it listening to the challenges of friends seeking adoption in China—and of the needs there that make any of my personal financial challenges pale by comparison. Call it a commitment to tithe so that others might live more fully, and scaling back our lifestyle to ensure just that.

It's not a lecture on living a "sackcloth and ashes" existence. It's not denying good hygiene and a fashionable, up-to-date wardrobe. Hardly. That stuff adds color to life. It's about finding balance in this culture that continually seeks to convince us that we need more, more, and even more to be satisfied. It's a lesson, learned over this past decade and verified yesterday by hanging out at the mall with two happy-go-lucky pre-teens who were just happy to be together, that the cost of beauty has less to do with product than it does with spirit. For beauty doesn't exist in expensive haircuts and color jobs, or in the youth dew in the bottle, or in the outfit hanging on the mannequin in the shop window. Beauty exists in a heart grown old enough to know when she has everything one needs and then more. When she would rather see kids buoyed up with laughter rather than burdened down with shopping bags. When she can leave the mall without more stuff to hang into her closet and line up on her bathroom shelf. Beauty has more to do with going without so that others may go with. Beauty might just mean being happy with clean skin, clear eyes, and freshly shampooed, efficiently cut and styled hair. Simple things. Without a lot of the other stuff.

Because the cost of beauty can never be measured by the price of stuff anyway.

Carolina Fernandez earned an M.B.A. and worked at IBM and as a stockbroker at Merrill Lynch before coming home to work as a wife and mother of four. She totally re-invented herself along the way. Strong convictions were born about the role of the arts in child development; ten years of homeschooling and raising four kids provide fertile soil for devising creative parenting strategies. These are played out in ROCKET MOM! 7 Strategies To Blast You Into Brilliance. It is widely available online, in bookstores or through 888-476-2493. She writes extensively for a variety of parenting resources and teaches other moms via seminars, workshops, keynotes and monthly meetings of the ROCKET MOM SOCIETY, a sisterhood group she launched to "encourage, equip and empower moms for excellence." Please visit

Beauty Routine

Written by Admin on 8:00 PM

1. I never ever ever go to bed with my makeup on, even if I have been out partying and had one too many. If you do, you will wake up the next morning, not only with a possible hangover, but with gunged, screwed up, dirty eyes that need loads of tlc. (tender loving care) So you must develop your own bedtime routine.

2. I try to get a good nights sleep as this, in my opinion, is the best beauty treatment you can have. And it's free. As we go through life this is not always possible with all the stresses and tensions that modern day living has brought to us. But as I said, I try.

3. In the morning I have a cup of tea, if I feel particularly virtuous I'll have a cup of green tea, ugh, and then get up to face the day.

4. Before I have a shower I tie my hair up and clean my teeth while waiting for the water to get hot.

5. After my shower I cleanse my face with one of those new style wipes and they are brilliant.

6. I spritz my face with a water spray then moisturise. I would not miss this for the world because moisturiser holds the water in your skin and helps keep your skin hydrated.

7. Next. Wow but Next. I always, without fail, use a TOTAL sunblock. My daughter says I look too pale but, if you don't want a pale face, the answer is to use either a brown cheek shadow, blusher or an artificial sun colorant.

8. Let the cream dry thoroughly before applying your makeup. This is a pain but necessary or your skin will be too greasy.

Then I have my two minute plan.

9. Take a large soft brush, like a shaving brush, and the dust your face with mineral powder make up. This is the best make up I have ever used for a day time make up. You can add extra if you want a more made up look for evening or if you want to conceal blemishes.

10. Then with a flat eye shadow brush and using a basic beige powder shadow I brush all over my lids, fading it out the closer to the brows I get. I normally accentuate the creases of my eyelids for a slightly more dramatic look with a darker shade.

11. Then a quick lick of mascara (brown) a touch of lip gloss and I'm off. I promise you that this quick beauty routine is all you need to have a beautiful look that will keep in all day and not look overmade up or take forever to apply.

Why waste your valuable time doing all that heavy smuck?

P.S. I only ever buy moisturiser and face creams from the local supermarket, because in my opinion, unless you have a problem skin that may need specialist treatment, the designer products are over priced, often celebrity endorsed and offer little value for money.

Copyright 2006 Jaks Lloyd

Jaks Lloyd, former photographic fashion model, is the author of the above article which appears in her definitive website The Ultimate Cutting Edge in Eye Beauty.

From Exquisite Beauty to the Inner Beauty of the Heart

Written by Admin on 7:59 PM

She was dressed in her most expensive and most treasured gift. Her hair was set up and held in place with clips and fashioned to look exquisite, her skin was gleaming and her whole body smelled like a delight and good enough to eat and still she was nervous.

She sat sipping her wine in the bazaar and the people who knew her paid their respect by bowing their heads and she drank the wine slowly but she could not stop her hands from shaking. Her nerves were shot to pieces, her stomach was in knots and her mind was screaming for her not to go ahead with the meeting but her heart was not letting her off.

He was such an important man and everything that normally gave her power had not worked its spell on him. He was the first red blooded male that had not been swayed by her beauty and had not been made weak at the knees from a glance and a smile from her. Sure he'd smiled at her when she smiled at him, but there was no attraction in his eyes, their was no lust in his gaze, it was pure love she saw in him and a love like her father used to give her in his gaze as a child.

She'd watched this Rabbi from the moment he'd come to her town. The people were all talking about him and he possessed the power that all of Israel had been waiting for. They were whispering that he was the man that would free them from the slavery and tyranny of the Romans and yet she wasn't a lady that liked to hear second hand news.

From the day she grew breasts to this day she had never met a man who didn't fall weak into the fascination of her and have thoughts of possessing her naked in their own bed chambers and for many years she had used her power over mortals to establish her fortune. These powerful men that bought her time were never powerful enough to resist her charms and for those who couldn't afford her or as in the Pharisees' case their own reputations prevented them from being seen with her, they all still lusted after her and manipulated nearly all men with her charms.

No man had ever broken her since she was a child and no man had fully seen her vulnerable because her power and her intelligence, good humor and her beauty always won the most sincere and devoted husbands heart away from his beloved's even if it was just a glance every time she passed by. She was the bad companion of many men, but no man owned her and no money in the world could buy her and she used men and their wealth and even their sexual prowess simply to feed her own indulgent lifestyle.

She was the secret desire of all men in her town and she was the envy of many women if they could admit it to themselves. Oh the ladies liked to think they would not sell their bodies and many of the devout women in the town would never do that, but few of the women in town didn't secretly wish they could be as beautiful as her.

And now this Rabbi had come to town and stirred the people up. Some of her best clients had felt remorse for their lifestyle and had found the courage to say no to their lusts and many of the women were flocking to him simply to sit at his feet and to listen to him. For quite a number of days the whole town was alive and speaking of him, devoted their spare time and even left their work behind to listen to him preach.

Sure she'd listened to him also. He made a lot of sense and was funny and very intelligent. He had a way of making his points by using common everyday terms and practices and yet there was so much wisdom and depth to what he was saying. Every time she approached and sat at the back there was a commotion and it was the one time in her life when the men looking at her annoyed her and she wished all the eyes of the crowd would get off her and leave her at peace alone at the back to simply listen.

As she listened to a number of his discourses it seemed uncanny how as soon as she had sat and made herself invisible to the commotion she had caused at her arrival and got to a place where she was quite comfortable enough to listen without people looking at her, he would suddenly finish off a story mid sentence and start another story about her. Every time she sat down to listen, this Rabbi started to preach as though he was sitting face to face in a room with only her in it and was preaching what he thought she needed to hear.

The first time she heard him he quoted the prophet Jeremiah and chapter nine and said that a wise man should not take glory in his wisdom and a strong and powerful man should not take glory in his power, nor a rich man should not take glory in his riches, but the only thing a man should take glory in is that he knows his Father in heaven and understands his Father's character.

This sermon was the first one she had heard. He took the time to go through everything she held important. She was one of the most powerful women in the town and he explained that all power is given by God and he can take the power off a person whenever he chooses. He went on to say it does not matter how strong you are and how many people you can control because even if you command an army you can still have your life taken by one battle or one disease you didn't see coming. Then he said all the wealth in the world, while it may buy your fleeting happiness on earth it does you no good in the eternal hell fire of Hades where many rich people end up. Then he talked about how beauty is only skin deep and true beauty is not something that has an outward appearance but rather it is a hidden thing found in the heart and the qualities of a holy women are much more enduring and wholesome then the prettiest girl in the world.

Everything the Rabbi said hit her and cut her like a knife and she could never seem to stay for hours like the others did. She mostly had to get up and leave as she was getting so hurt and cut up by what he was saying that she was going to find herself crying or shouting out at him in anger neither of which she wanted to do in public.

Finally the day had come today where she had decided to approach him and worship him and let him know that he had broken through to her and that she now understood that her whole life was meaningless and could he please somehow say something or do something that could give her hope as her life had lost all it's joy, the power was no more fun, her money disgusted her and even the taste of food and wine had turned bland.

How would he accept her? Would he be harsh and rebuke her for being such an unworthy harlot or would he live up to being that gentle man that she saw playing hide and seek with the children in the marketplace? Was there really a life for a lady like her, could she really one day have purpose and this inner beauty that those holy women she admired had. Could he wash away all her shame and make it clear to the world that there could be new life.

He'd healed lepers and they had come back into new life in community and were accepted by the priests and the people and were considered clean and able to go into the synagogue to worship, and he had healed all sorts of people, even his best followers used to be mere fishermen and not any learned Pharisee, surely this man was into the common folk, but would he accept her and declare to her peers that she was clean and a new creation? She almost vomited a few times on the way to the house where she knew he was. It was a very spiritual and devout man's house and she was going to interrupt him during dinner, but even this man liked the way she looked and like to sneak a peek when he thought she wasn't looking.

Her hands trembled, sweat beaded on her forehead, her legs were jelly as she pulled the curtain back to enter the room and when she entered the Rabbi stopped speaking as did the whole room stopped listening as they looked up to see her in her finest and most expensive dress, with her finest jewelry and looking the very best she could look but being modest in her dress out of respect….and the Bible picks up the rest of the story…

Luke 7:36-50

36Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with Him, so He went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table. 37When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, 38and as she stood behind Him at His feet weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.

39When the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, He would know who is touching Him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner."

40Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you."

"Tell me, teacher," he said.

41"Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he cancelled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?"

43Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt cancelled."

"You have judged correctly," Jesus said.

44Then He turned toward the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 46You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. 47Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little."

48Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."

49The other guests began to say among themselves, "Who is this who even forgives sins?"

50Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

If this lady were to speak today let's imagine what she would say today to us: I left that house and went skipping down the road with my hair down and with tears of joy in my eyes and the next day I spent a whole day at the feet of Jesus and I suddenly wasn't getting cut with every word it's as though every word was food. And speaking of food, food stopped being my idol, my looks became less important to me and knowing the truth of the scriptures and more of Jesus Christ's truth became the biggest priority in my life.

Jesus made me cry a few times more in later years and I sowed quite a lot of my fortune into the early church and was given a role to play in the redemption of many people in my land.

It does not matter what your secret sin is. It does not matter what power your sin has over you and what deficiencies hold you back from walking in the purity and the liberty of full obedience to Jesus Christ. One thing is true, the worse a sinner you are when you meet Jesus, the more you love Him when He accepts you with open arms. I urge you, don't let pride stop you from weeping in your next worship service, take the liberty to fall to your knees in church and weep and confess your sins at your Master's feet. Bring your best oil and anoint the foot of the cross and worship the only man in the world that NEVER lusted after me or any other women. We owe Jesus our whole lives as he freed us from every debt on that cross.

Kneel at church and confess your sins at the altar and ask for prayer and to be anointed and set free and Jesus will meet with you just as sure as He met with me!!

Matthew shares the Gospel with strangers on the streets of Sydney, Australia, and runs a web site where he offers fre online prayer via email at Hope to see you there!!

Beauty and the Benefits: What are the Best Beauty Products?

Written by Admin on 7:59 PM

If you are looking for beauty supplies that work better than the ones you are using now, or if you are going for a whole new kind of look—check out the very best beauty equipment and beauty supplies there are available on the market. When you find the best beauty supplies for you, you will feel better about yourself, better about how you look, more confident in all you do, and you will thank yourself.

For example: if you go to a job interview looking only partially groomed, you are giving off a worse impression than if you were to go to that same interview with a beautiful ensemble, well trimmed hair and nails, and clothes that make you look more fashionable, it shows off your sense of style In addition, it will show your potential employer that you are already serious about the job you are trying to get.

This means that you will want to have great beauty products such as skin care products, nail supplies, hair accessories etc. With the proper beauty supplies you can make a great impression fight from the start, whether you are going for a natural look, a business-casual style, a professional appearance from head to toe, etc.

Salon supplies and styling products could be the best way to go. However, there are some good options out there that can be a bit less expensive. Sometimes you just need to find out the information you need to know about beauty supplies before choosing the beauty supplies that best suit your needs.

The most high quality beauty supplies are usually found in salons or from salon overstock sellers. There are many kinds of beauty supplies you can find out about over the internet which may be able to help you narrow down the perfect beauty supplies for you.

From nail treatments to nail polishes to hair supplies, to hair accessories and much, much more, our website provides information that will help you choose the very best beauty supplies you will need. Beauty products are not only the kinds of merchandise like make-up, extreme-vanity ridden materials, but the category of beauty supplies also includes simple grooming necessities that everyone needs from day to day.

Beauty supplies are very important, not just for your self-esteem or vanity, but your overall appearance will affect your daily life in many ways. Remember, a first impression can be the most important part factor of how someone will view you from that point on.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on fashion and beauty please visit Beauty Supplies.

Beauty From Within: A Meditation for Generating True Beauty

Written by Admin on 7:58 PM

Beauty is a concept of love. It originates in the heart. If someone's heart is open and pure and loving and kind, this type of love energy produces radiance around the aura of a person and other people look upon that person as radiating beauty.

It is said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Perhaps that is because it is based on the heart and it's ability to perceive the finer energy that is generated by love.

First of all we know that we probably all look better when we smile. Not one of those fake smiles where only the lips curl up, but a sincere smile where the whole face and body light up with joy and love and beauty.

It is about opening your heart and allowing that inner radiance, that god-like quality that runs through all of us, to be exposed and shared with others.

That is a VERY MAGNETIC energy.


Sit quietly in a place where you can be undisturbed for a few minutes. Take several deep, cleansing breaths. Breathe in, very deeply and slowly, holding the breath for a count of four, then exhale slowly and completely. Do this seven times.

Now, with your eyes closed, begin to visualize your heart as a beautiful rose. You may sense it as a glorious pink rose with light emanating from it. See this rose in the center of your chest. See it gently begin to spin clockwise. As it spins clockwise more and more brilliant golden and pinkish light starts to effortlessly flow from it.

Allow your heart/rose to continue to spin until your whole body is filled up with the beautiful golden/pinkish light.

Continue to allow it to spin until your entire aura is filled with this beautiful light.

Continue to allow it to spin until you feel as if you are simply brilliant.

Now, inwardly repeat these words:

I AM Divine Light

I AM Divine Light

I AM Divine Light

At this point you may open your eyes and end your meditation.

You may find that you indeed feel beautiful. You will certainly feel different than before. Practice this every day to bring more beauty into your life.

Copyright © 2006 Sherry Sims

Sherry Sims has spent the last 20 years assisting people as a professional psychic, intuitive counselor, energy healer and teacher. Helping people to resolve personal and relationship issues has been at the core of her work. She gently assists her clients to accept their true power which allows them to begin taking control of their lives through healing, awareness, and self-love.

For more from Sherry Sims visit and

For Beauty Is In Nature's Grips

Written by Admin on 7:57 PM

Beautiful people of all ages have maintained that beauty is not as much reflected in the rosy, youthful look of the skin. When questioned about the secret to their beautiful skins, they have always attributed it to a healthy lifestyle and a few homemade beauty tips. Healthy lifestyle and homemade beauty tips are mostly based on the refreshing, detoxifying effects of natural and herbal products with the former fortifying the system's internal strength and the later protecting outwardly.

Homemade beauty tips, as such, are based on judicial choice of herbal ingredients for external skin care. Some home-based natural skin care tips would be as follows:

• Buttermilk/cream and yogurt make excellent skin cleansers.

• After-bath application of almond oil is undoubtedly a great treat for the skin - the suppleness and glow it brings to the skin is unmatched by even the very best of moisturizers.

• Regular application of honey or yogurt makes the skin soft and has a gentle bleaching effect.

• Sea salt/sugar mixed with olive oil works as an extraordinary at-home body exfoliation preparation.

• Different natural and herbal products like Aloe Vera, Basil, Chamomile, Lavender, Marshmallow, Neem, Oatmeal, Sandalwood, Tea tree oil, Turmeric, Witch Hazel, etc. used as facial packs often help to dispose dead cells and impurities lodged in the skin to unclog pores. Side by side playing the roles of cleansers, the natural produces and elements strike water-oil balance of the skin.

If you find it too troublesome to go for natural skin treatments, the safest choice will be the TCA peels. The ready-to-be-used medically approved TCA peels have an answer for almost all skin problems - right from acnes to wrinkles and skin pigmentations to dryness. With long lasting effects, TCA peels give back the skin its natural healthfulness. With no harmful side effects (nearing the gentleness of homemade beauty tips), TCA peels can be safely used for teen-age skin problems.

Two is undoubtedly ‘company' but three is not always ‘crowd'. TCA peels, balanced diets and a few homemade beauty tips make enviable company when it comes to revitalizing the skin. Therefore, surrender to the cares of the threesome and be the proud possessor of a youthful skin and look!

David Maillie is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels and acne treatments for doctors offices and medispas. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

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